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Old 2016-06-05, 21:23   Link #1579
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Originally Posted by BWTraveller View Post
How is "ogre" any less of a minimization than "demon"? The term is far more accurate. Demons are beings from hell that act out of hatred and a desire to bring people to ruin; they may be violent, but they're still purposeful. And no matter what they're supernatural beings from a separate realm. Ogres, like oni, are a race supposedly alive in our world, and they're not so much evil as savage. Sort of like Klingons on steroids. This focus on power and unfocused savagery is far closer to an ogre than a demon. And like others have said (and I said last episode), "mabeast" is just really dumb, translating one word while leaving the other alone just made the name silly. If they're that into minimizing, why couldn't they have said "magic beasts"?

On a side note, I'm sad to say I feel I might seriously need to recant some protests I made earlier about how being shy and holding back from everyone doesn't equate to being an outsider. That is to say, we saw all of the other kids recovering and recovered, but I don't believe we saw HER.
The problem is that Oni can also be beings from hell that torment the souls of the dead which may or may not become plot important, I have no clue since I have not read any of the source material.
Higurashi: Its a bit like watching a trainwreck, except you keep getting to see different trains wrecking with roughly the same passengers, into a variety of different objects. Also, the trains are driven by monkeys. On LSD.
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