Thread: Crunchyroll Re:Life
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Old 2016-07-16, 19:35   Link #107
Join Date: Aug 2010
Age: 36
You are underestimating school here. Take languages for example - certain things being asked of you are a lot harder than you just doing it when needing them without being specifically told to form a sentence like that, while you wouldn't have problems forming them otherwise. (.ie. tasks like transforming sentences to past perfect tense and so on.

- Onoya is a really bad example btw, as it is heavily implied she failed them on purpose to begin with.
- Not everyone goes to college
-As his supervisor even writes the school he transferred into has a rather high standard (way above Arata's btw)
Those who forget about the past are condemned to repeat it - Santayana

Sidenote: I'm seemingly too dumb for my current keyboard, so if you see the same character twice in a row, when it doesn't belong there just ignore it.
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