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Old 2016-07-24, 23:49   Link #20
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Originally Posted by monster View Post
Initials aside, the three-character designations that I've seen for the previous shows are TOS, TAS, TNG, DS9, VOY, and ENT. I'm not sure if those are official designations and I don't remember where I saw them, but if they are official, then this one would probably be DIS.
Considering Kirk's amorous escapades across the Galaxy, "STD" seems
strangely appropriate.

Note the Discovery's hull number: NCC-1031

Which puts it between Capt. Archer's Enterprise (NX-01)

and the Enterprise from the original series (NCC-1701)

So, I guess that means the show will be set somewhere between
Archer's time and Kirk's time.

Wouldn't this be approximately the same time period that the "Axanar"
movie is set in?

This might partially explain some of CBS's hostility to the movie.
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