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Old 2016-08-17, 12:39   Link #71
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Join Date: Jul 2016
Age: 30
Originally Posted by Jaden View Post
Well, the problem is that when I've read this much of Umineko and the creations of its fans, I can't even trust the red text anymore. Actually, it usually contains more bullshit than truth.

The corpses belonging to the victims are in this room.
But, The corpses of the victims are not in this room.. Even that is not necessarily a contradiction.

So the way my mind reads your red text is like: "Gohda is a servant...except when he's not, hahaha!" That being said, I don't plan to pin the murders on Gohda, so don't worry.
you are talking about word play. well,no word play to this degree exists here.what you see means what it said .ofcourse,there are a few tricks,maybe a few things left intentionally not said in red or said in a way that makes your mind jump to the wrong conclusion,but nothing red-changing,so dont worry

i dont see how your example isnt a contradiction though,as no one can"own"a corpse,so"belonging to x"should equal"x's".

and i actually didnt think you were going to blame gohda at all.

Edit:Aura replied while i was replying.

Or she's being cagey so as not to divulge her involvement with her, or she's not sure if her dealings with her were a hallucination or not in hindsight.
though she is still uncertain when it is her POV,and she wont be"cagey" then. and considering that she still has the brooch as physical proof of the meeting,she cant imagine it was a hallucination.

Not really, that's just a complication in English that doesn't exist in Japanese.
...i dont get. she clearly stated that she will teach battler that she isnt a human(ningen)then she said that no factors other than humans(again ningen)were involved. how is the contradiction not in japanese?

You also forget that Kinzo hates his family.
i meant in addition to the family he could have a ton more people and make his chances higher
though,since his magic is based on risk,maybe having too many people wouldnt allow him to execute his magic.

As for the riddle.

Theory: "Everyone in the gold room found it. Whether they worked together or not is immaterial, we've already seen that multiple people can find it independently in Episode Three. Krauss, acting on Kinzo's orders perhaps, or wanting to impress him or secure the headship, killed everyone there to have the gold to himself. Krauss has a heart attack as a result of what he did and dies. Kinzo finds this totally hilarious. Jessica was sent away on a boat beforehand by Krauss so she didn't have to know what he was doing."
Jessica has gold ignots in the boat
krauss didnt have a heart attack
also,your theory doesnt explain rudolf and the different ways the 4 died.

Last edited by FFTHEWINNER; 2016-08-17 at 12:51.
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