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Old 2016-08-29, 23:24   Link #33
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Originally Posted by Kazu-kun View Post
You think being unable to beat Darjeeling prevents the story or Miho's character from getting closure? That doesn't make any sense. It's not like Darjeeling is her main rival or anything. She's just a side character, and the fact that Miho never beat her is just a detail. It doesn't affect the story or Miho herself in any way.
It does represent an "unsolved problem" for Oarai as a whole, which is by itself a non-closure. And you have to remember, all other issues in GuP are at least temporarily closed at this time, so Darjeeling is not exactly secondary here. Also remember, I don't even think Miho is OP. In fact, I think relative to her competitors, taking into full consideration the extra years she had, Miho's talents as a company or battalion commander (not leader) is below average.

Still, I'll be willing to pass that up. The main reason I want a next fight is that I really didn't like the 2nd fight, which I feel wound up selling both sides short. I want to see Darjeeling's team either a) actually learn to have a firing range of over ~30m or b) Darjeeling coming up with tactics to overcome this handicap rather than c) Oarai's firing being put through an "Offensive Assist System" and d) Oarai's allies literally leaping into the firing lane to save Darjeeling.

When Oarai sets up a defensive position, I want to see the opposition use tactics like envelopment to break it rather than the combination of an "Offensive Assist System" and buffed resistance. I don't want to see the laws of physics changed in a non-normative fashion so a roadblock is not a roadblock.

Overall, I couldn't shake the sense that Oarai was deliberately nerfed by the author, which sells them short. But it also sells Darjeeling short since it deprives her of the chance to show she can win against Oarai at its full strength (and I think Darjeeling is capable of doing that and fulfilling the author's intended theme for this subject). So yes I do want a third fight and I don't think they'll be letting Darjeeling win that 3rd one, yet I think Darjeeling will look better in my eyes losing that one well than in the present form.
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