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Old 2016-08-31, 21:39   Link #31
Join Date: Aug 2010
Age: 36
Finally saw the episode:

- Ruruka having killed Izayoi - yeah that part at least was obvious; question whether she is the attacker does however still remain. The fact that someone leaving the playing field being her NG would point to that an this episode also proofed that she was indeed drugging her sweets again (oh surprise).
With this we also have a motive for killing Izayoi, other than it being an accident. What surprises me is that Izayoi would have actually let her die by going out there.
Looks like their relationship was, in the end, just sweet addiction

- Juzou is being random. At first he is like 'I'll kill you all so Munataka is happy.' - Then he sees the door and is suddenly all like 'Well bye. I'm, leaving' Looking at the randomness of this action I assume he plans to join Monoka in being a Neet in space.

Kirigiri on the other hand has reached a new level of disgustingness. There was really no need to lick the corpse salvia to come to that conclusion, even without the knoweldge that she looked out of the room Izayoi was last seen in.
Those who forget about the past are condemned to repeat it - Santayana

Sidenote: I'm seemingly too dumb for my current keyboard, so if you see the same character twice in a row, when it doesn't belong there just ignore it.
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