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Old 2016-09-23, 13:25   Link #17
Join Date: Aug 2010
Age: 36
So much to say about this..
I am again unsure where the story is actually at timeline wise atm.

Here is how I think it goes (correct me if I am wrong pls)

Year 1:
First part: 77th first year

Year 2:
2nd part: 77th second year + 78th first;
3rd part: 77ths rd year and 78ths early to mid second;77th gets brainwashed; Overseas expansion gets cancelled;

Year 3:
4th part: 3rd year for 77th 2nd year for 78th, DR Zero; Junko erases everyones memories of Izuzru; Most despair inducing incident in the world, School gets sealed;
End of Anime: 77th graduates;

Year 4:
DR 1 Killing Game; 78th 'graduates';

Year 5:
- DR 2
- DR Mirai

Also I think Junko may have given them a brainwashed command, namely to behave completely normal until she is done with her plan while not even remembering anything but 'Chiaki died'.
Chisa's on the other hand was the only one actively remember stuff and her letter also contained a command phrase for the other students to remember and go Junko mode:
Those who forget about the past are condemned to repeat it - Santayana

Sidenote: I'm seemingly too dumb for my current keyboard, so if you see the same character twice in a row, when it doesn't belong there just ignore it.

Last edited by AC-Phoenix; 2016-09-23 at 15:45.
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