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Old 2016-09-24, 18:28   Link #21
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2011
Personally, I love the two songs of Guilty Kiss released so far. I think they are that one sub-unit that is closest to Saint Snow in skill, style and genre, and to me, they are one of the most unique parts of Aqours that distinguishes them from Muse.

This episode on the other hand, were full of sloppy holes that gives me the impression the scriptwriters threw together a ram-shackled plot at the last minute. Two especially egregious holes:

1. Wait a moment, why doesn't Riko immediately step in when those three girls wanted to join the club, by explaining that the Love Live competition does not allow more competitors to be added in after registration? Indeed, shouldn't have Dia, the walking encyclopedia of Love Live interjected there?

2. The sudden shift of Aqours from their uniforms to costumes during the closing performance, is extremely jarring.

Anyway, I'm going to quickly pump out a theory: the three girls who wanted to join the Idol Club, will actually allow for the creation of sub-units within the anime, because they will join in as support-staff formally. One likely reason why Subunits haven't shown up so far is plausibility: three sub units greatly increases the burden of choreography, costume design, songwriting and composition requirements. But if Aqours manages to acquire a supporting cast of non-performing helpers on a permanent basis, then the additional manpower can help overcome sone of the logistic constraints that make Subunits difficult to justify in anime.

Last edited by novalysis; 2016-09-24 at 18:49.
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