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Old 2016-10-02, 15:48   Link #82
I disagree with you all.
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
These are two very common themes in fiction. I've seen them explored in multiple mediums and genres, in multiple stories. And numerous anime shows have explored them. If anything, these themes are even more commonly explored in mecha anime (Valvrave the Liberator and Gundam Wing both come very quickly to mind).
I won't deny it.

Are mahou shoujo stories now forever barred from exploring these themes just because of what Madoka Magica did over 5 years ago? Even if you explore them in a new magical girl show that's implementation is 90% or more different from Madoka Magica?
Who said anything about barring anything? I've watched and enjoyed plenty of animes that were a lot closer to being copies of each other than this and Madoka. But if one were to ask if I'll like Mahoiku, to make a prediction based on anime I've already watched, then for what I think are obvious reasons I'll make that prediction based on Madoka Magica. And the answer is "maybe not". And, considering what I didn't unreservedly enjoyed in Madoka, the differences in settings aren't going to change anything. It has my interest, but I'm bracing for... suffering? Or what, can you honestly say the two have no similarities whatsoever? Or that I should liken Mahoiku to some other, even more similar anime?

And yes, I'm judging magical girls anime differently from Mecha animes. Mecha can go a lot darker than magical girls before I feel the need to bail. That's just how it is, a personal preference.

And again, for the record, since Zefyris apparently didn't catch it the first time I went right out and said it explicitly, I'm not accusing Mahoiku of plagiarism, of being a "ripoff".
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