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Old 2016-10-08, 16:24   Link #5
Senior Guest
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Athens (GMT+2)
Age: 35
Parasite Eve: walking through an abandoned park during a dark, snowy was scary, because I didn't know what to do, what I was up against - I really felt one with the character at that moment, just as clueless and vulnerable.

Abandoned places II: endless maze, skeletons looking at you with a hint of intelligence in their cruel, unforgiving eyes...and the footsteps. Oh god, the footsteps. I had nightmares with this one for a few months.

Resident Evil [Code Veronica]: it was only during the first part, but there is a certain point in the game where two zombie dogs crash out of a window and chase after you. It was a cheap jump scare...but I remember tossing my controller high enough to incur fall damage afterwards :P

Devil May Cry: For an action series, the very first instalment was...very strange. Castle Mallet was weird, twisted, with wraiths coming out of paintings and the hero looking at himself in the mirror and crossing over. Add to all of that the literal otherworld which you eventually have to traverse and the brief underwater claustrophobic experience, and you've got yourself a decent amount of...uneasiness, should I say? It's just that feeling that there is something wrong with the world...and you know it, but can't stop it.
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