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Old 2016-10-28, 13:28   Link #327
Grand Duke of Lolitania
Join Date: Aug 2007
Originally Posted by Darknemo2000 View Post
Its useful but I would say other powers when evolved seem to have higher usage. Anna didnt make the industrial revolution happen. She just sped up the process but dont write it like her power was essential to it.

All and all having bio-chemical weapon is more powerful than the rest of the powers really. If Roland were a psycho, one could wipe the whole humanity in the continent thanks to Lily power.
You seem underestimate the power of controling fire. While even on real life our modern advanchement never achieved before we learn to control the power of fire. Steel that used to create industrial tools and machine. Was possible by power of fire.

Without her the concrete wall and flintlock couldn't exist to resist month of demon beast.

And without that there will be no witches as useful as Nightingale, Leaf, Lily, Wendy, Hummingbird, Echo, Scroll.

At that time Roland takes refuge in longsong stronghold. And by that time those girl will perished in the hand of devil. Even when they're survive. Roland counldn't save them.

Without Anna power that created microscope. Lily power would never evolve.

The majority of BT Industrial Revolution was happen around Anna... Remember steam engine?

Roland itself has said to Anna that current Border Town was exist because Anna power.

Without Anna Roland knowlegde is pretty Useless.. Later Anna gained new ability that rivaled Laser cutter, thus advancing Industrial revolution to next stage.

That how Important Anna is to Roland and his entire plan..


now tell me wich achievement that Roland possibly achieve without Anna.
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Last edited by Prongs; 2016-10-28 at 13:43.
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