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Old 2016-10-30, 21:06   Link #18
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2008
The Solar System is big enough to hold the space plans of Elon
Musk and Jeff Bezos which combined look like Babylon 5:

"Jeff Bezos talks about the need for humanity to go to space and how his company
Blue Origin will accomplish this goal. He also discusses the unique culture and motto of
Blue Origin. This talk was given at the 2016 Pathfinder Awards at Seattle's Museum of
Flight. Bezos is interviewed by Steve Taylor, chief pilot for Boeing Flight Services

Blue Origin has launched a reusable rocket ship called New Shepard on uncrewed
suborbital test flights. But Bezos has much bigger ambitions, for an orbital launch
system called New Glenn and a super-rocket called New Armstrong.

During last weekend’s Pathfinder Awards banquet at Seattle’s Museum of Flight, Bezos
referred to his long-term goal of having millions of people living and working in space,
as well as his enabling goal of creating the “heavy lifting infrastructure” to make that

In Bezos’ view, dramatically reducing the cost of access to space is a key step toward
those goals.

“Then we get to see Gerard O’Neill’s ideas start to come to life, and many of the other
ideas from science fiction,” Bezos said. “The dreamers come first. It’s always the
science-fiction guys: They think of everything first, and then the builders come along
and they make it happen. But it takes time.”"

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