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Old 2016-11-22, 18:06   Link #2375
#1 Akashiya Moka Fan
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by Ayato_kanzaki View Post
Trump's surrogate Kellyanne Conway announced that they wouldn't try to prosecute Hillary.

They probably realized that trying a trial would make obvious to everyone that Benghazi was a load of BS, and it would make them look bad as they can't blame Obama or the medias if they fail.

This leave most Trump fans in full denial, they think it's a ploy to prevent Obama from pardoning her, or that the FBI will prosecute anyway. It's going to be interesting seeing them hop through all ever more ridiculous mental hoops, to avoid the realisation that they were scammed.
This here... due to my current situation, I'm not hanging around many Trump supporters, but considering how heavily my area is saturated with them, I kinda want to find one and see just how much of meltdown mode they're going into. First Obamacare, and now Clinton... should be interesting to see how Trump supporters are reacting.
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