Thread: StarCraft 2
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Old 2016-11-24, 16:31   Link #8333
Did nothing wrong
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Age: 40
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Okay, so they're selling LOTV for 19.99 so I figured I might as well take a look in a casual manner. Single player in WoL seemed interesting and this as well. I also noted that non-LOTV players can party up with LOTV players and play LOTV which is kinda cool since I have friends that aren't going to play on their own anyways or buy the expansion.

Haven't played in 5 years so some things were a surprise. I also find it a bit disturbing that there doesn't seem to be much up to date strategy info. It's like liquipedia was frozen in time. Ded game?

Some notes:

"Whispers of Oblivion" The hell, this is hard as shit.I was thinking the first missions would be easy but I guess this is optional? Granted I played on brutal because lolachievements but seemed harder than most WoL missions on brutal. Still that just seemed rather frustrating. Mission 1 I had to reload quite a few times and then I finished it with 2 colossi and a few dark templar left. The second mission was annoying too because there's no gas but I eventually discovered what tempests were. Basically use spare minerals into zealots but only use them for destroying bases, killing stalkers and picking up gas, because colossi will evaporate all of them.

Why is Kerrigan such a dick? I thought they turned her good and shit. (I didn't play HOTS). She's also just like kill kill kill mobeius now, lol. I mean I know she has many reasons to hate Duran. Thought Narud was hillarious. Apparently that's the best subterfuge an advanced ancient race knows of.

Why don't I get to play as Zeratul yet? I liked those ridiculous abilities they gave him.

Why are the campaigns (not just LOTV) so stingy on minerals? I guess they don't want you to just go to 200/200 and sit there but it does make things a bit more annoying to manage.
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