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Old 2016-11-28, 15:06   Link #24
the "Z" is for "Zeta"
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Portugal
Originally Posted by Gx Hero View Post
I simply hope at this point the fight is worth while since this whole thing has lead up to it.

In a way I Feel that vivio and einheart should have been the main characters based on what we have seen so far. Basically after vivio beats rinne, einheart would challenge her to a match.

THere is one thing they could do to improve vivid strike is through a movie that retells the story and clean it up.
...Or this might actually be the first of a series of stories/seasons, each focusing on a different pair of characters

Though, I would like to see some development regarding Fuuka and Rinne's in their origins before ending up at the orphanage.
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