Thread: Licensed World's End Harem
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Old 2016-12-31, 12:42   Link #19
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Join Date: Dec 2016
Originally Posted by AC-Phoenix View Post
The fun thing here is how they specifically say 'natural born', which means in vitro seminaton actually works and the Assistant is bulshitting him for some reason.
If I remember correctly the natural born part is meant for male babies. In chapter 2 it was explained that artifical insemination works only for female babies all male babies die after a few days due to the virus.

Originally Posted by AC-Phoenix View Post
The part I am still at working out is whether the virus was created by the UW itself or some perv who wanted to live his strange dream of paradise. Tbh when they first introduced N3 3 I thought it was a history of the virus'' developer since the chapters where pretty close to one another.

The other thing I wonder about is whether there actually still is a virus or whether the AIs might have actually cured it already. The entire virus thing sounds a bit too convenient for those now being part of the UW for my liking.
The virus is probably still active in the air. In chapter 1 the agent of the MC told him he is immune because he is still alive despite breathing the air. What I don't get it why they need males at all. I mean they can still sustain the populace by making babies artifically despite them being all female.

As to who it created it could be some other organisation which we don't know of yet (there seem to be more then just the UW branch of Japan since they were talking about HQ taking note of the 5 immune males) or some of the UW leaderhip created it (though so far none of them seem to be suspicious even that crazy black hair researcher does not look like she would go that far).
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