Thread: Licensed World's End Harem
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Old 2017-01-15, 09:58   Link #39
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Join Date: Aug 2016
Originally Posted by Roxis View Post
You right i might too haste to make decision he will turn beast.
The school life pretty much his prologue whatever the end of his arc we will know Slow grandpa no longer a virgin.
I don't know about him being wimp the reason though, the school prepared by Karen to made Slow grandpa feel comfortable with the environment. If there anything else Karen know Slow grandpa history being bullied boy so she take setup highschool life to give a predominant chance for him to fix his life while maintaining the mission to encourage him to produces a children.

Interesting, i knew the boys presented different trait but i never noticed the harem in each boy being distinguished by trait as well.
To the first quote, look back at the chapters with the women in charge talking about #3, notice how they praise him and really paint him as being perfect? All they had to go on at that time was his history, which was of being bullied, abused and all around an absolute wimp.

Think about that for a second, the women who are running the government were PRIASING #3 while being very derogatory towards #2. A lot of people complain about how #2 isn't just having sex with a bunch of girls like #1 is, but this puts a certain level of context into perspective. Those in charge look favorably upon males they can control and who do what they want them to do, while the one and only male to not just start following their orders like a trained dog they flip out and act like they have rabies.

To the second point, its something I picked up on after they introduced the young girl from #3's harem, compared her to the one from #2's harem, and then noticed you can extend this to the others as well.

#1's handler feeds his ego and looks down on everyone else, including the girls in #1's harem and #2 in general. She treats people the same way #1 does, as things to use. Add to that, ever notice the women who are seen with #1 are usually wearing jewelry and fancy dresses?

#2's handler on the other hand, while trying to follow her orders to get him to bed women, has bent over backwards to help him with his wants. She not only got him access to his love interests lab, but arranged an appointment for him with those running the government, and agreed to his request for time to find his love. Similar is how despite her not agreeing with his decisions she abided by them, just as he didn't agree with his loves choice to wait for him. This extends to #2's sister as well, remember he was learning medicine and wants to help people, what do we see her doing when she isn't around him? She is at the orphanage helping with the kids. Then you have his bodyguard who has been pretty chill and amiable until he was injured.

#3's handler though, that's where things seem to take a turn, unless you pay very close attention. Remember the flashbacks how he had all that anger and rage bottled up? There are a few scenes where you will notice a very similar expression from her, obvious anger over things not going the way she wants. Then you have his (presumably) bodyguard who also has the same trait, getting angry when not getting what she wants (the game she challenged the athlete to made this clear). The difference is #3's harem have dominate personalities on top of tempers while he is submissive and has a major temper.
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