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Old 2017-01-28, 16:06   Link #366
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Join Date: Oct 2008
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Age: 33
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Been playing for a while now and I must say that I really dislike the Soul system. I didn't read anything about the game - went in blind. But I did hear talks that it'd be similar to Zestiria so I thought it'd be okay .. And well, it is similar to Zestiria but the Soul system just makes it annoying. Starting with 3 souls and being able to attack only three times in one combo is already pretty bad, but that means if you use Break Soul and don't finish off your enemy, or stun them to gain a soul, you now have 2 souls. Fighting with 2 souls is practically impossible.

Am I missing something here? Lets say the battle starts and I have 3 souls. I get immediately stunlocked and lose 1 soul. I only have two attacks I can use. Am I just supposed to spam them and hope that I stun the enemy to regain a soul, because that literally seems like the only choice to me? Backstepping or sidestepping from an enemy attack CAN give you a soul - but doesn't always, and it seems really difficult to execute although the AI always seems to do it perfectly.

In normal fights it's not as bad as especially if enemies are lumped together then executing Break Soul can really wreak some havoc and regain souls quickly, but if you're against a boss with just 2 souls .. wtf?! This happened to me while fighting that "Fortress" boss pretty early in the game, and that boss really pissed me off. While not difficult, that boss guarded 99.999999% of all attacks made to it, and when you can only hit it twice ... it took FOREVER to kill.
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