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Old 2017-02-08, 13:43   Link #2
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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When it comes to Accessibility and Consistency, I think the AS Choice Awards are in a pretty good place right now. As some AS members mentioned elsewhere, it would be nice if AS itself did more to advertise/promote these awards, but I respect that's the Moderating Staff's call to make.

When it comes to Accessibility, I'm very happy with 21 award categories, and I'm also happy with how they currently break down into 4 distinct sections. The award categories are diverse and thorough, but are not so numerous as to be intimidating. I also think the time frame provided for nominating, and then voting, is in fact very generous. I tend to procrastinate a lot when it comes to making my own nominations and votes, but I still find it's not that difficult to get them in on time.

As for Consistency, there hasn't been a lot of category changes in recent years, so I think there's a good sense of consistency and continuity here. The genres we're running with right now seem to be holding fairly strong. Favoring Sports over Mystery/Horror seems to have been the right call overall for recent years in anime. This may change in the future, but for now, the genre categories we have seem to genuinely reflect the more commonplace/popular genres out there.

As for Polish, I think felix does an excellent job with Awards banners. And I think the promo images used during the voting phase are generally pretty good!

So overall, these awards probably don't need drastic changes. Perhaps some tweaks are worth considering. One idea I brought up in the Community Awards social group was that we could change Best Male Lead, Best Female Lead and Best Side-Character to Bed Male, Best Female, and Best Group. This would effectively side-step the sort of issue we faced this year with Rem. Clear-cut leads would still have an edge in the gender categories, simply since leads tend to get more screen-time and character development, but as Rem herself showed, a character that isn't definitively a lead character can sometimes manage to beat out those that are. Best Group would also give side-characters a chance at award recognition if they are part of a beloved group. It should be noted that anime has a lot of notable and popular groups, such as the SOS Brigade, the Little Busters, HTT, Walküre, the Ginyu Force, the Puella Magi Holy Quintet, Aqours, and μ's. Any specific named group, or specific school club, would be eligible for this hypothetical "Best Group" award.

But that's just a very tentative idea, and I'm not hardcore on it.
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