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Old 2017-02-08, 17:28   Link #12
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Elsewhere
Age: 32
I actually rather like the the "best supporting cast" idea too. I think I like it better than the side cuaracter one. You can still keep the Rem Rule, naturally. There's no reason those can't coexist.

Originally Posted by Guardian Enzo View Post
Haak, I'm good with your lead/side amendment - as long as it keeps the same character from being double-nominated it works for me.

I confess I'm a bit confused by the "unambiguous gender clause" though. Is this addressing a specific issue? Are you saying the physical appearance takes precedence - i.e. if a girl spends the bulk of the series dressed as a boy, she would qualify under "best male character"?
I also don't know how big of a deal this is. I can't think of a single situation where this could be an issue. Tokyo Ravens had a female character who spent the vast majority of the series in the disguise of a boy, but the fact is she's a girl, and she is known to be such very early on. And as for robots/androids, it's usually pretty clear which gender they're meant to resemble. Actually, I guess there was something of the sort of Mnemosyne (a character with literally both genders...) but that anime is ancient by now. I don't think we're getting something like that again. There might be a few other examples in shows like Simoun and Wandering Son but can't we just use the Rem Rule to solve all these problems in the end?

You people don't actually talk to each other, do you? No way you could be this dysfunctional as a team and contradict each other if you did. Power trips not appreciated regardless.
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