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Old 2017-02-10, 01:09   Link #1069
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2016
Hey guys, how about naming 3 favorite scenes from season 2 so far in this lull before the new episode?

Mine would be (in no particular order):

1 The shakedown scene in Allium Gyojan's office in episode 29.
On the first watch, it left me both awed and terrified, because y'know, we knew from episode 3 on that Mika was more than willing to kill on Orga's orders and Orga was usually willing to give such orders, but the way they handled it this time, the true mafioso style with no shits given, it really drove point home that they're Teiwaz's subsidiary not in the name only. They're the mafia with the police's backing which in IBO's fucked up world might not be as bad as it sounds, what with the supposed guardians of justice being the most corrupt organization in the whole solar system which just leaves those who want justice no choice but to serve it themselves with brutal extralegal methods, but it's still quite scary.

2 Takaki quitting Tekkadan in episode 33.
An amazing scene in every aspect. From the King of Mars talk to Takaki arriving to his choice in the course of it after internalizing all that happened to him and all what various people told him. "I don't want to make Fuuka cry". You can really see how he'd grown to be able to see his options and to have guts to make it. The others' reactions, from Orga accepting to Akihiro surprised but understanding to Chad protesting, were on point, too, and I believe Takaki's choice helped them grow just a little, too. It's a sad scene yet at the same time it gives hope somehow.

3 Two revenge scenes from the recent episode 42 where one logically follows the other.
The wordless scene showing all the major pilots in their mechs, one by one, from the Gundam pilots to Hush in his new Hekija, all looking resolved, followed by showing the two ship captains, Eugene looking unusually serious and Orga in a pose and with an expression we've never seen on him before. It was an incredible tension builder, the background music was so on point that it made it breathtaking for me. It did an amazing job conveying both how lethally effective and clockwork the war machine known as Tekkadan is and the tense, dark anticipation of revenge that will seal Tekkadan's cutoff of all the ties, pushing them past the point of no return. It culminated in the scene of Orga and Jasley's exchange and Jasley's subsequent merciless demise courtesy of Mika, complete with the after-reactions of Akihiro and Orga, emphasizing that compared to what they've lost, even this just revenge feels nothing but empty.
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