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Old 2017-02-20, 05:01   Link #64
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Location: Chicago
Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor View Post
I didn’t mean to fault his piloting skills or his hardwork. Just highlighting that it's been established that his plans aren’t perfect or went smoothly because before this episode, some of his initial plans got thwarted or disturbed multiple times due to outside factors that he failed to foresee, anticipate or prevent. For example, look how Rustal & Galan messed with McG’s reputation with the prolonged war; look how Iok messed with McG’s trip to check out the MA without activating it; look how surprised McG was when Vidar suddenly just came crashing down before he got the chance to climb into Bael (he was lucky Gali didn’t just stomp him right there and then) which stem from his previous blunder of not making sure that Gali is dead. The goddess of luck has been smiling on McG all this time and spared his life multiple times, let's see if she still does in future episodes.
But I really don't think he could have prevented any of those things you mentioned. He’s planned as best could on all those incidents but he can't plan for everything. That would be impossible.
He might be a lot of things, but even Macky knows he's not a god.
I would actually say that it's less that he’s been lucky and moreso that he’s shown quite the bit of adaptability in facing unforseen challenges that arise.

But as you say, next week, he and Orga will have to put all that adaptability to the test. Let's see if it can save them.
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