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Old 2017-02-26, 19:51   Link #486
4th Dimension
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Adriatic Coast, Montenegro, Balkans
It seems I forgot to mention it here, but I have subtitled (using translations made by fans from this thread) the other two paths too, so now all three paths can be found on this shnazzy playlist:

MGLN A's Portable The Battle of Aces - English subtitles

Anyway I have figured out the format in which the subtitles are kept in the BoA and how to read them. I previously talked about how to get the files (quick bms -> add_pac -> lzs), so now I should say that the actual subtitle files (story_na_prologue.asm as an example) are encoded using Shift-JIS encoding. They can be easily viewed (after being unpacked (add_pac) and decompressed (LZS)) by changing their extension to txt for example, then they can be opened in a program which allows you to choose the encoing. Firefox can do this via the old menu (Alt) View -> Text Encoding -> Japanese (Shift-JIS).

I have also been playing with the idea of using my general knowledge of the plot/lore and characters, to attempt a translation of Zafira's path, since that could be fun considering he gets to fight all of the Wolkenritter and ALL of the Materials. I have had some success and this is what was translated so far. The trouble is I don't really know Japanese so this might as well be as close to the actual plot as an abridged version.
I might post it here to see if anyone is interested to do basic editing to tell me my mistakes before I put it on a video. But I'll first need to ckeck some problematic sections using the new way of getting subtitles straight from the files.

I have also been messing with the Gears of Destiny. Long story short, that game is unlikely to ever be fan patched since EACH stage has a separate font file/encoding that does not fit any of the known encoding. So while I know exactly where the subtitle text is, I can not decode it since the encoding is unknown. More on my ADVENTURES in trying to figure out how Gears of Destiny store the data HERE.
I have been OCR-ing the text from GoD using KanjiTomo and was able to translate the prologue and the first fight in the first stage. So it's possible, but it will be a painstacking process.
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