Thread: Sailor Stars ^^
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Old 2004-01-04, 19:38   Link #17
Fushigi Mystery!! @_@
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Canada, eh?
Yes, I believe they were women all the time in the manga. I don't own the manga for that part though, so don't take my word for it. I'm more anime fan than manga fan.

The dub that originally came out yes was edited quite a bit. The R1 sub only DVD's though are not (well except for the missing next ep previews). There are no cuts to the actual episode material in any of the subtitled DVD's available. I heard about something may have been done in the Sailor Moon R movie DVD, but I don't own that one (I have it on LD and R2 DVD so why would I need a R1? ^_^).

Sailor Stars has a lot of things that Toei feels strongly about (and Naoko Takeuchi). Who knows why they think the way they do.
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