Thread: Licensed BanG Dream!
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Old 2017-03-04, 23:41   Link #83
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Newfoundland, Canada
Age: 42
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Episode 7 was excellent. Saya's arc is bringing great drama to this show. Drama that was probably needed given how pretty smoothly things have been going up until now.

This whole cultural festival is also being handled remarkably well. Bang Dream reminds me of multiple KyoAni shows there.

I also like how wide and vibrant and heavily populated Bang Dream's setting feels. Now, there's nothing necessarily wrong with a much more focused or even cloistered feel to a show, as I can think of some excellent shows that had this. But for the type of show that Bang Dream is, I find it's wide open world with numerous notable characters (of all ages and both sexes!) to be very refreshing. It definitely helps this show and its leading characters stand out.

The Kasumi/Saya dynamic is also very compelling. I love how Kasumi and Saya's family have totally embraced one another. That's very nice, giving the show a truly warm feeling.

Here's looking forward to Poppin' Party's first big performance! And I'm especially looking forward to hearing Saya on the drums.
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