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Old 2017-03-08, 09:40   Link #4
Just another tanuki.
Join Date: Mar 2017
Location: Germany
Age: 31
When I started actively watching anime in 2012 I've watched lots of new and ongoing shows at the same time. I used to consume even mediocre or bad shows for a couple of seasons, but after a while I came to the conclusion that I should rather invest my time better by watching stuff that really interests me.

Right now I'm usually watching about 5 to 8 ongoing shows, some of them at the end of each season because I don't like waiting for new episodes unless it's a very episodic or relaxing show with low focus on the story.

I'm interested in watching anime from its roots to modern shows. Most of the non-ongoing stuff I watch tends to be from the 00s, but I recently make an effort to familiarize myself more with anime from the 60s, 70s, 80s an 90s.

Originally Posted by Darthtabby
This question was prompted in part by the difficulties I've had trying to attract new fans to the weekly group "Let's Watch ____ Together!" events I've done for a couple older anime series.
Haha, I've actually registered here with the primary intention to start something similar, but I'm glad to see something like this already exists.
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