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Old 2017-03-12, 05:46   Link #15
Cosmic Eagle
Join Date: Jan 2009
I watch absolutely anything as long as I have time. All of my favorites are in the 80s to early 2000s era but I watch present ones as long as time and mood allows. And I still dig back for earlier stuff if I am looking for something to watch

And yeah, while I do think older stuff are "better" for my tastes, but for people who bemoan the so called downhill slide of anime..... Take it for what it is and enjoy it if you can or move on if you can't..... Getting upset with an entire generation of titles is as pointless as fans of Picasso attacking van Gogh or something.

Besides that, it's also a matter of tastes I think. I'm finding that many anime today just lack that grit and spark of imagination that I used to find appealing. There's so many "me too" adaptations, riding that wave of light novels and cheap to produce romance and comedy plots. At times it doesn't feel like the industry that produced titles like Fantastic Children, Noein, Dennou Coil, Kino no Tabi, Last Exile, Rozen Maiden, Simoun, or Boogeypop Phantom.

Boogiepop is an LN. And so is Kino no Tabi..... So no, it's more about picking stuff that appeals to you. Not everything is going to suit you and that's true whatever the era. Even now you have to look hard to find LN and manga that you like just as it was 10+ years ago. If you like an LN chances are you'll be more keen on its corresponding anime.
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