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Old 2017-03-12, 11:02   Link #16
Join Date: Mar 2006
Originally Posted by Cosmic Eagle View Post
Boogiepop is an LN. And so is Kino no Tabi..... So no, it's more about picking stuff that appeals to you. Not everything is going to suit you and that's true whatever the era. Even now you have to look hard to find LN and manga that you like just as it was 10+ years ago. If you like an LN chances are you'll be more keen on its corresponding anime.
This is why I tend to not bother with these types of discussions. I'm not saying things are better or worse as a matter of fact, I'm saying that opinions about such things might influence newer viewers. For example, an anime that might be considered classic and influential might appear to a newer viewer to be mundane and lacking. They may not get why something like Evangelion is/was a big deal, and it's definitely a dated show by this point. So if a bigger title like that might not carry appeal into the future, what would motivate a newer viewer to check out more obscure stuff? That's the point I was making.

There were are a lot of shows that were "big deals", but you kind of had to be there to know why. It's nice to binge watch them, but not everyone wants to feel late to the party.
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