Thread: Licensed Re:Creators
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Old 2017-04-09, 03:32   Link #76
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Originally Posted by bakato View Post
Your thinking too small. A real omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent god/creator does not predict the future. They decided it. A creator creates EVERYTHING, including time which obviously does not apply to them and every event that happens. This is their omnipotence. They decide what they create and this makes them omniscient. How could you not know what you're making? You're a creator and there's a box. You know the box contains a teddy bear because you decided it contained one. You decided a girl put it in there and made it happen. You made everything so its only natural you know everything. This is omniscience.

In the case of this show, the authors are the creators and the stories they write are their creations. Stories don't write themselves. The authors decide the the story and write it down.
I would rather say, that your thinking is so big that you are omitting important details and falls into false dilemma.
Firstly, author decide how he writes a story, he may write a story, where cause and effect to not exist, because things every time are decided by god (such philosophy developed at some point in Muslim world, causing it to fall behind West in development). But as we know now, such things like law of nature exist. So analogy may not hold a point here, if God self-restraint himself.
Aside that, you need to decide what free will is, and change point of view to a being, which exist in such world. If free will for you means, that to have power to determine you existence and northing else can predetermine your "settings" without your control, then in fact unless something is an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent being, it cant have a free will. With such thinking, even if such being do not exist, but world simply exist with law of nature created randomly, then I still do not have a free will, because my whole life was already determined during Big Bang, but without any being backing that. In such case it doesn't matter, if omnipotent god exist or not, when talking about existence of free will, so discussions about god deciding about our life is pointless by default, because our life is determined either way.
I disagree with such definition of free will, for me free will means, that being can make a decisions based on collected informations, experience and inborn characteristics, then I have a free will, in case when I want a apple, but something forcefully remove that thought from my existence, then my free will is taken away.
The only way to created a conflict between my free will and God free will would be to add to my "settings" a confirmed information, what God wills and decide about my actions, so I may oppose it. Unless this happen, from my point of view, there is no intervention into my natural state and I have free will.

Another thing comes together with probabilistic nature of physical phenomena at atomic scales, described in quantum mechanics. Maybe God created a spectrum of infinite possibilities, and so had given us part of his free will, but aside that, he knows a outcome? Although that's would be a paradox, but from the other hand, do he cared about what happens and what outcome would be? What, if he let some things just be randomly and accepted results? Then off course you may argue back, that god by deciding about letting things be randomly or not determined world anyway, but with your thinking free will simply do not exist whether god or Bing Bang created us.

Of course all of that assuming, that omnipotent creator and creations and completely separated disconnect things, because if not, then things became even more interesting.

PS. I'm complete amateur in philosophy.
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