Thread: Licensed Re:Creators
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Old 2017-04-10, 00:17   Link #94
Cosmic Eagle
Join Date: Jan 2009
Originally Posted by bakato View Post

I hope that was a rhetorical question because the thread's only 6 pages and you only needed to read my post, but if it wasn't I'll summarize. The fictional characters in this show came to life and learned that they're fictional. They are confronted by the fact that their circumstances, every thought they ever had, every choice they ever made, and pretty much everything they've ever known up until they came to life was scripted by someone else, their creator. Obviously, this invalidates any agency or free will they thought they had. I bring up theology to point out that monotheistic religions that subscribe to an omnipotent, omniscient creator pretty much says the same thing as this show. I, like all of you, look forward to this show's answer tot his existential crisis.
It's not the same thing in the first place though. Theology's issues of free will and omniscience isn't as simple as a character following a script
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