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Old 2017-04-19, 20:01   Link #107
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Originally Posted by AB079 View Post
Neither of those, I'm talking about the scenes after that where Masato started to feel some kind of weird mood having Mamako taking all the desitions for him, which ended on the last part of chapter 3 where he literally blew up and said what he really thinks as last resort, and even after that nothing improved at all because he's still frustrated thanks to Mamako's behavior. Wise is involved in that too, since she understood the situation and pushed Masato to end the discussion that can go further than that and make some damage to their relationship.

After these 3 chapters we can see how the LN is indeed touching the problems between a mother and son relationship, I mean we all usually have those problems when we were kids on one way or another. Also is just volume 1, there is room for improvement but for now Okaa-san is quite good.
I had considered it but these kind of scenario or trope plays out a lot comedies so it is quite hard to tell if it is supposed to be taken seriously or not which I think is kind of the problem with the writing. It causes some dissonance which kind of dampers my enjoyment of the story.

For example when Masato is constantly being abused for the sake of the comedy, whether intentionally by Wise or unintentionally by Mamako. Are we suppose to treat it as a joke, or is it serious? It's kind of ambiguous and reminds me a lot of the problems I had with the humor in Your Lie In April. Funny. Not Funny

The first sentence here is precisely what happened, but you have to keep in mind that this LN is mainly a comedy and as I mentioned before, judging the LN based on 3 chapters or 1 volume isn't fair at all. Let's see what happens after 2-3 volumes, at that point is where the problems with the story really shows up on any LN out there.
I haven't judged anything. I just think the 2nd and 3rd chapters were a bit disappointing.

Personally I enjoy the jokes and the chemistry between the characters, that's being managed in a very good way and the last part of chapter 3 was a pleasant surprise for me.
I feel the opposite, while I don't downright hate it I find it kind of dull as much of the interactions revolve around emasculating Masato, whether by Wise physically or verbally abusing him, or by Mamako treating Masato like some helpless child.
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