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Old 2017-04-26, 17:13   Link #1230
Join Date: Sep 2008
Phantasmagoria resides in a different Time Tree. So eien shinkens from that Time Tree operates a bit differently. But it's a general rule that eien shinkens try to force their will onto their wielders. However, eien shinkens that follow the path of chaos and form a contract of sorts to their wielders work together with them. Law Eternals are different from them in that they either have the same desire or are glad to follow the path towards making everything whole again so they allow their eien shinkens to make use of their bodies/wills.

Shugo Shinjuu is a rather unique trait that belongs to the Time Tree Et Ca Repha. The gods in Et Ca Repha are more or less a slave to their Orichalcum names and the endless reincarnation cycle since they are essentially wardens of the Time Tree prison. There's also a hidden function behind Orichalcum names and it's that they act as a safeguard limiter, more specifically from outside Eternals invading Et Ca Repha in that no one individual can be stronger than Et Ca Repha, the Eternal herself.
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