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Old 2017-04-28, 23:25   Link #16808
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Join Date: Aug 2014
Originally Posted by cyberdemon View Post
after watching the anime, why could Erza go through Freed's runes during the Battle of Fairy Tail? We understand now why Natsu and Gajeel could since they were brought from the past with the use of Eclipse. Erza also came from the same time period even if Irene was pregnant with her for 400 years. She still existed back then so shouldn't the barrier have stopped her as well?
you really don't understand why they could not pass, here the explanation.
the problem with "natsu" and gajeel where not because they "come from the past" but because they have "dragons" inside they bodys, then the magic don't allowed them pass since the dragons where "hundred" or thousand" years old, even if a tiny part of them, they still inside and that what was what the "rune" caught and don't allowed to pass, just because they "travelled in time" this don't means which they "aged", "time travel" don't age peoples or make them be threated as "aged", if you are a young you will be young if you are old you will be a old, because your body didn't suffer any age change you just "skip some years in time" it's like that time gap never happened for you and like the 400 years gap for them was "nothing", like if they have a "time disease" like a cancer which could have killed then after x time this cance could not "kill then if they travelled" because for them that x time never happened, they gonna still have that "X" time of life, otherwise "time travel histories could lead to the guy traveling ending "dying" because he traveled like Hundred years ahead his time where his bould could automatically age after pass the time to get on the "lost gap", or even the reverse, the guy get so young to the point of disappear just because was not born on that time.

the condition was "peoples above 60(or something like that) years old could not pass which was the case of the dragons inside them not they "ages".
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