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Old 2017-05-24, 14:39   Link #5
Join Date: Jul 2012
Originally Posted by Fairy Water View Post
It was published in 2015 and we got the newest volume 4 in 2017. C10-11 r first two chapter of volume 4. I guess the translation group must have bought the manga then scan it. So we can expect another 3 chapters in near future but volume 5 might take like... by the end of 2017.

Man, it must be a 3 months per issues type of magazine. And now I'm so excited for the plot.

The hint for Hanazono's gift must be somewhere in those first chapters. I reread everything again yesterday and she probably was infected by the end of chapter 1. That's kinda cool how she was able to hide her bloodlust since then or the guy she likes is not our main protagonist...

Her gift... I'm not sure what could it be but it might be sth fearsome. Remember the corpse that was ripped​ off to skeleton? It could be Hanazono's doing.

Now is her memory loss sickness real? If it is, she maybe able to create another persona to do the killing. While the good persona remember nothing.

Since it was likely she was infected at the end of chapter 1...

There's a very important exchange when they play video games in Taku's house and he comments on how she can be so "fake". In that moment, he seems pretty bitter about it (though it was just a front to get her out of danger). But in a sense her quality to hide her true intentions is something endearing: throughout their life, when Taku was struggling to admit his emotions, she's kept up this front and this casual relationship that doesn't threaten him or hurt his esteem/hopes. What crazy patience and affection she has and it's something the perceptive Taku might have caught onto after all this time...

Then it's possible her ID gift is deception - amnesia may just be an intricate lie... so she just remembered him pleading for her safety, nothing else? More like she was conscious and aware of every single detail...

Which means she took revenge on the Jock who was taunting and messing with Taku so much. It also is a pretty powerful tool to hold back the murderous intent, and allows her to really bask in the 'crazy' and the ID factor when she lets loose. So yes, alternate personas, but by her design and under her control.

Quite terrifying if she's able to constantly keep her desire ramping up while maintaining a "lie" of normalcy. She could be crazy powerful and intelligent, since she's been able to deceive everyone and casually put up this helpless front for the entire bloody story so far.
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