Thread: Licensed Re:Creators
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Old 2017-06-05, 10:01   Link #1384
Orthodox Haruhiist
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Making metal ... for fish
Age: 44
Originally Posted by magnuskn View Post
I woke up with a headache this morning, so I'll just say I fundamentally disagree with your opinion. The show has clearly shown that it put thought into its premise and has spent time setting up possible avenues to explore it, shutting off others on its way. Characters have been growing throughout and people like Alice are clearly set up to keep growing as characters.

The show did itself no favor with the heavy coincidence laden approach to last episode. But the fact that so many people are suddenly slamming the entire show shows more that some people were only waiting for it to make a stumble so that they could shiv it. Typical internet hater brigade stuff.
You seem to be ignoring the undercurrent of skepticism that's greeted this show since the first episode. The show's obsession with desert-dry exposition was pointed out as early as episode two, for example. The show's pacing problems have been pointed out all along. But it was acknowledged that some shows find time to find their stride; and that this show might somehow turn out better than its studio (known only for Aldonah.Zero and Beautiful Bones: Sakurako's Investigation) and its writing staff would suggest.

Yes, the show has intriguing, even promising elements. It's also shackled to poor writing choices. Episode 9, pretty much, encapsulates everything that's wrong with the show's writing and compresses it to critical mass. That's why the discontent is suddenly so vocal. It makes the show's flaws very difficult to ignore.

As an aside: It is difficult to take seriously your assertion that characters are set up to grow in this show; when your first example is Aliceteria. How has she grown as a character? She's always presented as a character with a profound ignorance of things beyond her preconceptions. Just like Meteora is always Exposition-chan, and Selesia is always the plucky shounen protagonist, always willing to walk into a fight where the chances of her getting her ass kicked approach 100%, because it's the right thing to do.

I've yet to see any character in this show progress in a meaningful fashion. Or, at least, not in a fashion that doesn't trace well-worn writing cliches associated with the characters' archetypes. I suppose one might try to suggest that such character development will take time to happen; but an interview with Mamika's VA already suggests that the back half of the show is going to introduce new characters; so I should probably adjust my expectations of this show downward and simply enjoy it for the fluffy bit of otaku bait that it is.
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Last edited by GMT; 2017-06-05 at 10:11.
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