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Old 2017-07-23, 20:09   Link #17026
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Join Date: Apr 2016
Originally Posted by Marcus H. View Post
There was a reason why Fairy Tail was "basic". On the previous page, someone said that Mashima felt like RAVE was too dark, and thus decided to create a way more lighthearted series in Fairy Tail. Unfortunately, along the way, it had to face several criticisms (like being compared to One Piece) and editorial intervention... come to think of it, if Mashima did want FT to be lighthearted, why did the Tartaros Arc have to happen?

Also, apparently (no source on this) Mashima also did not want a large-scale war to happen in the story as Fairy Tail was created as an adventure manga. This meant two of the most dragged on story arcs in the story, the Tartaros and Alvarez War arcs were not Mashima's idea in the first place. I know how capable Mashima works. He did not spend a lot of time on hiatus (unlike Miura and Togashi) he has written several spinoffs at the same time. On the other hand, he also tends to drag on certain story arcs for some reason, and that's evident even in RAVE.

Mashima knows his shit and the development of the Alvarez War Arc is not entirely his fault.
His editors have derailed Fairy Tail, and he had just barely escaped any further tampering of the story.
It's always difficult to say for sure about this because usually nobody will talk openly on what's which side's fault, and most specially not to foreigners.

Whenever a comic at Marvel or DC flops, before the day's over the creators will be out talking a storm in the Internet over how Marvel or DC screwed them over, f**k the editors, or the editor will throw subtle 'creative differences' hints at the creators' backs, and other creators who are in the know will leak out what they know. Habitually, it's pretty easy to tell who's messed up, Dan Didio, Joe Quesada, John Byrne, Rob Liefeld or all of them.

With the way the manga system is set up, and the way traditional NIHONGO LOYALTY works, a creator knows spilling the beans will cost them their careers UNLESS they are large enough to move out on their own, a career high very few (think of Go Nagai, Monkey Punch, Tezuka himself) have ever reached. Even being a 'big name' is no guarantee, since the market is fickle and even many well known authors are actually One or Two Hit Wonders. And an editor will never admit the ship's having trouble under their helm, to save face they will just clench that smile and spout as many hollow formalities as they are able to, instead...
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