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Old 2006-07-08, 21:01   Link #29
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2006
Originally Posted by C.A.
To me the really strong guys will only get their reputations weakened if they possess the strongest of equip. Don Krieg is an example. Depending on equip doesn't make a strong character cool.

But Mihawk said that the Black Sword is the strongest sword in the world, I can see that it may be made of seastone. But this weakens my impression of him. It will further weaken if he actually has a devil fruit ability.
My impression of Mihawk wouldn't be lessened if his sword were made of seastone. We already know he doesn't use it unless the opponent is worthy of it. That's why he used the small knife against Zoro.

Also, my impression of Zoro isn't lessened because he uses three weapons instead of 1 like Mihawk or none like Sanji.

Like many people have said before, it's not the weapon, it's how you wield it.
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