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Old 2017-09-21, 22:44   Link #3
Obelisk ze Tormentor
Black Steel Knight
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Indonesia
After Atom: The Beginning anime (which is the prequel of Tetsuwan Atom story), this doesn't come as a surprise. Those who have done watching A:TB and still want more but don't want to watch the older Tetsuwan anime might be interested in following this one (I personally don't consider the 2003 Tetsuwan anime to be that old).

Still not sure about what tone they're going to apply to this newest show though. All three previous Tetsuwan shows are usually for kids with the 2003 one being the darkest and more challenging thematically. But each of those shows had good balance between kiddy lightheartedness and the heavy Asimov-esque content. Will they go even darker and heavier at this point? I just hope the anime won't turn into a "28dgy4me" affair.
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