Thread: Licensed UQ Holder! Anticipation
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Old 2017-08-04, 20:22   Link #100
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2016

The character designs and animation are okay. Not mindblowing, but... okay. The real test of fire will be seeing actual action scenes animated instaed of quiet moments with no flash.

The Negima cast at least aren't kidnapping the promo away from the UQ Holder cast.


No voices, no way to judge how the seiyuu will fit the characters yet.

The music... utterly failed to impress me, at least this snippet was very bland.

The continued lack of any male characters original to UQ but Touta and the tight promotional focus on the four main girls (Kuro included) keep selling this as The Touta and His Harem Show rather than an action series, which is... troubling. It's like the lesson of Negima's shows failing because there was too much generic harem and not enough action was not learned at all. Hoping the actual series isn't like that again.

If you're doing a fanservice heavy series, maybe you shouldn't go for the half-baked 'the girls are naked all the time but we only see them from the shoulders up or covered in steam or sitting into obscuring water' routine. I mean, either get off the pot or crap. You should try focusing on the action and adventure instead of the fanservice gags if you're doing a story about powerful immortals, but if you're going the fanservice route at least commit yourself all the way out. Something like To Love Ru may be kind of contemptible in a lot of things, but it's at least honest and open in its intentions.
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