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Old 2017-10-17, 23:04   Link #7
Verso Sciolto
Join Date: Nov 2015
Wednesday, release day. Oct. 18 edition. Crucial conversations resulting in life altering insights. Nothing short of that - delivered with this week’s “Shimanami Tasogare” instalments on Manga-one. (Ch. 5)

Nothing new in the sense that these are not new chapters. If you’ve read the early chapters, the first published volume, of this manga before or if you have read the available reviews, you’ll know at which moment we’ve now arrived in the re-run of the series.
Spoiler for Review excerpt, mentioning details from the story so far:

Kamatani-sensei does deliver something new in this story, I think. Something some people desperately need to read. Or, at least, Kamatani can be said to deliver a refreshing new take on moments like these even to those familiar with moments like these. The timing and delivery in the story itself are impactful. Role models, offering alternatives, by simply being there at the right moment, by telling their own life story and by living their own lives. Not necessarily chosen to be, or chosen to become, role models either. Not necessarily exemplary lives in every aspect, but “perfect” precisely because of that. “Perfect” exactly in their imperfections, perhaps. All told within a setting of renovation, repurposing old structures into something more livable.

Also fitting, this week’s one-off: “Secret Room”.

We’ve arrived at a point in the story -still quite early on, I hope- where it becomes clear that Kamatani tells a story which needs to be told and heard - in its original language and in translation too. A point in the story which shows why this is one of those stories which needs to be published in any language and on as many platforms as are available to publishers. Books are important and this is an important picture book. An important first volume, here concluded. Hereby redistributed a little. It will continue to exist and now just needs to reach a broader readership. First and foremost in self-discovery. Minds pried open, with a crowbar if necessary.

Volume 2, the thorough introduction of 「美空」, re-starting from next week, provided the re-run is allowed to continue…

As noted above, しまなみ誰そ彼 3 will also come into existence in the not too distant future, most likely, regardless. Hopefully not as the final volume in this series.

All School libraries nationwide should have this story on their shelves, at a minimum. Including this manga series in the curriculum for compulsory education would be even better.

Last edited by Verso Sciolto; 2017-10-18 at 04:44.
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