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Old 2017-10-28, 15:40   Link #3195
4th Dimension
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Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Adriatic Coast, Montenegro, Balkans
Pretty sure the unsuited for fistfighting and such bit appeared even recently, but not after the Nanoha bit, because well, we are yet to see in translated form that bit.

Although that villain who gets away with it of a coach that Rinne had, I think was gloating/whining about how unsuited Viivo was in the course of her whole Darwinism shtick.

But that Vivo's trait seems to be something inherent to her, and not really something tactics can solve. It seems to me to be something like Hayate's lack of speed when computing spells and such.
And on the same note they did point out that her defenses in general were subpar because she simply did not have enough output if I remember correctly. Then again I think they go back and forth on the whole how effective Vivio is for sake of drama.
But she was never really shown to be someone who could stand shoulder to shoulder with the veteran tournament fighters, let alone face Nanoha, who is an actual COMBAT veteran.

So watching Vivid and ignoring Strike (which can even be justified by the fact that the format of tournament there was so unlike the regular one to not even matter) so far Vivio's performance was REALLY lackluster. Which I guess is fine given how new to it all she is, but then you can't go from Vivio can BARELY defeat Einhard using a STUPIDLY dangerous technique when Einhard is basically out of it, to taking on Nanoha in like 20-30 chapters.

And the writter is aware of the screw up of nerfing Vivio waaaaaayyy too much hence the whole Space China arc to give the writer mandated explanation how she is SOMEHOW within inch of greatness... somehow... and likely the next 10-15 chapters will be about powering her up, which was supposed to be happening from the bloody start, not 3/4 of the way in.

And well, I call BS on that.

And just to be clear, I'm fine about someone beating Nanoha. I'm fine with Signum defeating her in majority of their matches (although I call BS on apparently Nanoha never wining against her), I'm also fine with Teana being able to out think her, since that is Teana's whole thing or maybe Subaru being able to match her in a pure strength match. All of those are credible opponents. But they are credible because they have a thing that can get them there, and have been shown for it to be their thing from the start.
Vivio's main thing in Vivid was that she was bland happy protagonist... that was under powered but wanted to get better. The later is not a bad place to start, which is where the majority of shonen shows start me thinks, but Vivid pretty much did nothing to it.
Instead of following the shonen trope of facing against the stronger and stronger opponents, which while tropey DOES work, the manga kinda ditched Vivio along the way and focused on Einhard the most and when it did finally work through the Einhard issues about 2/3 of the way in, the writer seemed to finally have remembered he needed to do something about Vivio. Well no, the writer remembered there wasn't much fan service recently, so he added that. But once THAT was over it was time to rapidly do something with Vivio, hence SPACE CHINA.
And it seems the actual, facing against the escalating stronger opponents bit will be covered by like last 10 or so chapters which is like....

Oh great. I went wall of text ranting mode.
Sorry about that.

TLDR: Sure the weakness was not mentioned AFTER Nanoha fight, because manga stops after that, but the anime that comes after that treats someone who could go toe to toe with Ace of Aces of the Buerou as just another U16 competitor. And the Nanoha bit comes after manga spending most of it's run time not doing anything about Vivio's weakness or actually showing she is capable combatant. HELL her only victory against named credible opponent in competition comes in FUCKING Strike.
So, due to UTTER lack of preparation for this final fight where Vivio is supposed to win somehow, I'm calling BS.

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