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Old 2017-12-17, 10:03   Link #10
Join Date: Mar 2016
Location: Slums
I hope its translation won't go on a hiatus again.

"I am the echoes of those who had been slain by the metal of injustice. I am the shadows of men long silenced and hidden from the light. I am he who rides the black winds of carnage. I am death himself. Prepare yourself, for when next we speak, it will be face to face. And you will know that your death has come."

Cold eyes, carrying frozen death. Hair of deep silver, more radiant than moon glow. Body of pure evil, a darkness that dims even the golden sun. Awful and terrifying, is its presence on the fields of blood upon which it visits. Like a wraith shrouded in death and decay, it stands alone and absolute.

- FC
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