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Old 2017-12-31, 01:30   Link #904
Psyco Diver
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2014
I've been having a good time this week with the game, I found out stacking XP flags will also help with your Free XP gains since its calculated after XP modifiers are in place, I grinded over 100k Free XP in 3-4 days, sitting at around 215k right now and will hopefully be around 250k by the time my premium time ends in 3 days, problem is all my special XP bonus flags are used up except my 50% XP and 300% FXP flags. I've been averaging 2000-2500 FXP every win right now, when I had all my special flags I was earning 4-5k per win lol

That said here are to really good matches I've had, this first one was a great fight in my New Orleans where I ended up in less than 5km brawl with a Monarch where I was able to use my speed to stay out of his gun arc, BUT a friendly DD decided to "help" and sent a wave a skill my way, completely missing the Monarch but managed to hit me

This battle was from tonight, I haven't been able to run the Colorado in a while so I have used her a couple times this week for my FXP grind, most games have been normal games except this one, the enemy team loved giving me their broadside, they did have a good Cleveland captain that kept me and my side harassed

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