Thread: Rwby
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Old 2018-01-03, 19:06   Link #5380
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Join Date: Jan 2018
I doubt Qrow knows much beyond the legend. Given how old Ozpin is supposed to be I'm pretty sure he knows things about the silver eyes. What's weird to me is that Ruby never brings it up ever. She could've done it in chapter 10, but she didn't. She doesn't seem to have the slightest interest in the silver eyes. She's not even remotely curious about a power she has that can freeze grimm? Sorry, I'm not buying that.

I wouldn't be hating on the Emerald fight so much if Ruby had more to do this volume, and they didn't tease the silver eyes only for it to go nowhere. This is Ruby's first fight in this volume. Her first one-on-one since her character short. If you liked the fight that's great. I just didn't think it was that good.

We'll just have to wait and see how things progress from here. Hopefully, now that Weiss is down (not dead) we'll get to see Ruby go ham and have a full-on silver eye moment. If instead Jaune activates his semblance and somehow saves the day and gets the glory in the end I'm will rage so hard. Please RT, don't that! I'm begging you!
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