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Old 2018-03-03, 19:13   Link #37
Vallen Chaos Valiant
Logician and Romantic
Join Date: Nov 2004
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Age: 43
Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor View Post
So, all your comment above does not refute my point that Wakandan’s “Mortal Kombat”-method is problematic and flawed, especially for an advanced civilization such as them. In fact, the bolded line actually supports my point even more. And let me repeat this point again: why only have a physical duel? What about duel of intelligence and social skills?

I understand Wakandan's inclusivity problem and how T'Challa came with the (somewhat) solution at the end of the movie. I'm just wondering how such primitive "election"-method works well for Wakanda for hundreds of years without major glitches that resulted in civil wars. Moreover, as the video above describes, the concept of Wakanda itself already has many holes.
I don't understand what are you questioning. Yes, the government system is problematic and flawed. So? It still worked this long. Every system of government is problematic and flawed, that doesn't mean the smart people wouldn't somehow getting it to work. It's all the same humans running it in the end. One of the most popular systems of government is the Monarchy, and its male heir preference makes zero sense. But that doesn't stop Kingdoms being the dominant way nations are run for the majority of human existence.

And of course there are civil wars. Wakanda fight each other all the time. It's just that we are seeing a relative period of peace with two generations of a popular dynasty. The film never denied that the tribes can act out of line.
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