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Old 2018-03-22, 15:38   Link #11
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Originally Posted by monir View Post
Do you know yet what kind of psychiatric medication Stephen Paddock was on? If mass shootings are excluded from the equation all together and just concentrate on the homicides that are being committed with guns, are all those perpetrators show the pattern of psychiatric drug use?

Please don't overload me with links. Take mercy.
Most of these shooters have been on psychiatric drugs all the way back to Charles Whitman in 1966 (he was on Drexamphetamine).

Steven Paddock was on Diazepam, which according to Pfizer, can cause psychosis if combined with alcohol (Paddock was a heavy drinker).

On an unrelated subject matter, Youtube is now banning certain videos on gun-modification, high powered rifle, and such. Citi Bank also announced they will restrict gun sales by its partners. The pressure is on. I wonder how these gun companies will react once the squeeze on the money starts to become unbearable.
Youtube is going after everything that does not agree with their political perspective so the entire platform is probably going to suffer.

As for Citibank, they (like other companies) have done this before, and will slowly walk it back. They've been engaging in this type of public relations nonsense since the 1990s and it will not effect the gun industry at all because it will not be permanent.
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