Thread: Crunchyroll Vanishing Line: Garo
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Old 2018-03-31, 09:05   Link #255
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Join Date: Dec 2004
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Age: 35
It was a solid end. Overall the series was "OK". Maybe I watched too many Garo series and the whole plotline has been very predictable for me so I was looking forward to the fights. There were a few good fight episodes but the series definitely peaked with episode 7 and 8 (fantastic build up and fighting). The main characters are likable and Luke has been a surprise favorite of mine. Here's hoping a spinoff with his new armor.

The main threats are lame. The series has been steadily building towards El Dorado and the King. But he was a disappointment and got offed too fast. The 3 baddies, in their initial appearance, was menacing and interesting. What we got in the end was eh. Bishop was fun. Queen was ok. Some development from her would be great.

Knight was a colossal disappointment. With his connection to the casts by being a fallen Knight + Luke's father, I was expecting more. I still don't know why he fell to dark side. Want more power? Why? To fight stronger enemies? Then why was he chilling in El Dorado instead of travelling around and cutting down everything? He mentioned that some contract with the ring? When? Why? Was he even still human? It seems that's already a Horror based on his last moment? So many things in background not explained and he just appears to be some annoying mini boss that you just want to brush aside. There needs to be some more information on his obsession with strength and development into a dark knight so that we could take him seriously. In the end...we couldn't.

The series had could have been great, but between pacing issues, bad animation and occasionally brilliant moments, it just settles on OK for me.

Off to next Garo series then
Destroy This Rebirth
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