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Old 2018-04-12, 04:37   Link #1
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Join Date: Dec 2005
One Piece - Chapter 901 [manga]

Welcome to the weekly manga discussion thread for One Piece.

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We're back in business! Credit goes to AP's Redon for the spoiler info:

-Chapter title is "Even if you die, don't die". Ministory introduces us to the last member of the New Giant pirates.... the female giant Gels/Gerth, who is the crew's doctor. She was the giant girl shown playing with Linlin during her earlier flashback.

-Big Mom finishes eating the cake, and returns to her original robust figure. As for the Sunny;s status after last chapter's attack..... that ship wasn't actually the Sunny at all. Rather, it was the Sun Pirates' ship!!! As it turns out, Wadatsumi made a last-second switcheroo with the ships! Interestingly, we find out that the Sun Pirates' ship was originally built by Fisher Tiger himself....

-The Sunny is able to survive underwater by staying inside of Wadatsumi's mouth. However, the huge fish-man finds escape difficult, as he's assaulted by Oven! The Sun Pirates have resolved to sacrifice themselves for Jinbei and Luffy's sake, and the former finds that he can't just stand idly by while his old companions are risking everything, so he decides to stay and fight alongside them one last time! Luffy grants him his leave, and tells him that as his captain, he'll be waiting for him at Wano. Finally, he tells him not to die before they meet again.....!!!

-Linlin is once again riding on a wave she made from a homie. This time, she's after LUFFY'S SOUL!!! Meanwhile, Morgans (the bird journalist guy) and Stussy (the CP0 agent) are riding a balloon out of Big Mom's territory. Morgans already has his next big scoop planned: The next Pirate King will be someone from the "worst generation", with Luffy naturally being counted among that group.....!!!!

Last edited by marvelB; 2018-04-13 at 07:03.
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