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Old 2018-04-13, 18:43   Link #13
Kana Hanazawa ♥
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: France
Age: 37
Originally Posted by Mazryonh View Post
Funny you mention Mayoi Neko Overrun. I know of another LN series, Strike the Blood, whose anime adaptation was actually more explicit, not less, in its fanservice than either the original LN or the manga adaptation were.

There are still lines to toe though. For instance, unless an 18+ anime series was based on 18+ source, you won't get an 18+ version of that anime. For that matter, I don't think the producers of anime series will allow official 18+ merchandise or even merchandise that is more explicit than the original's rating, such as figures with removable clothes, to be officially sold either.

Speaking of Yabuki, he's already famous now for the fanservice he put in the various To Love-Ru series, so while a lot of other artists who make 18+ materials could have drawn for the DitF manga if fanservice was the only requirement, I suspect that Yabuki's "brand name recognition" was the deciding element (plus how similar Lala and Haruna from TLR look design-wise to Zero Two and Ichigo from DitF). I don't remember him ever drawing for a mecha series before, so he probably has assistants drawing the mecha for him.

However, if the DitF anime producers know that fanservice (especially on BD releases) can increase sales, then I don't know why they didn't put it in DitF in the first place. Maybe they were going for the teen demographic? Or maybe they couldn't air it on AT-X (a channel known for airing uncensored anime series) in Japan?
Yep, Yabuki's reputation was definitely a factor in their decision. I believe he stated Lala and Zero Two looking so similar and sharing the same voice actress was just a coincidence, but whatever the case, I think it helped draw in the To Love-ru fanbase.

As for why the anime doesn't have nipples, your guess is as good as mine. I actually have no clue how anime BDs are rated in Japan. Maybe there are different regulations for manga and anime, with manga being able to get away with more stuff. Or maybe it's just a creative decision.
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