Thread: Crunchyroll Hataraku Saibou (Cells at Work!)
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Old 2018-07-07, 16:27   Link #13
James Rye
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Germany
Those tiny Thrombocytes are so adorable~ <3
Wait, child labor is forbidden!!! Then again in a world where tiny pre-school kid repair streets, white killer police guys run around murdering bacterias and virens while screaming "die, shitty bacteria" while looking like an enraged berserker and red blood cells have no idea where the lung is, everything is possible. xD
I like this first episode a lot. Felt like a more brutal and over the top "Once upon a time...Life" though I am sure kids would love this one more than the original. Well, expect really small kids. Albeit the text boxes aren't a good way to educating kids, that was done better in the original with lots of time to explain and many many pictures as examples.^^
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